Treats, Please
Today’s random word is Hairy and the Twist is to include a poem that rhymes.
A Drabble is a work of fiction that is exactly 100 words.
Charlie’s hairy face looks hopeful. I reach down to pet him, but that’s not what he wants. His eyes slowly move from me over to the closet where the washer and dryer live. That’s also where the treats are kept.
“Sorry guys, the vet says you’re fat. No treats for you right now.”
Charlie sighs,
I’m a dog who can rhyme
And I know it’s treat-time
Sunny joins in,
I won’t beg for an apple, I won’t beg for a bone
I’m really just glad that you gave me a home
Now I feel guilty. Don’t tell Dr. Katie.
I was stuck waiting for an oil change when I came across the Fiction Shorts publication. I was instantly hooked on these incredibly creative stories and couldn’t wait to ask to be added as a writer.
Today’s Challenge: