Microfiction | Drabble

Trouble At the Whispering Rose

Three men burst into a saloon

Misha Seeks
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min read2 days ago


A player piano with a rose on top of it in an old saloon
Image by author and Bing AI

Random word for drabble #188: RemindGenre: Western

Three men burst into Whispering Rose Saloon, guns blazing. Dancing girls huddled by the player piano, screaming. Among them, Rose stood taller, casting a stern eye over the unfolding scene.

“Them guns shoulda been checked at the gate,” she declared.

“Don’t worry, darlin’, we’ll treat you right. The law ain’t here, so I reckon we’ll be runnin’ this town.” Rhett, their leader, mused. The others hooted and hollered.

A shot rang out, and Rhett looked down at his chest, confused by the spreading crimson stain.

Rose stalked forward, derringer pointed, sheriff star in hand.

“Don’t make me remind you again!”

Side notes:

  • Player pianos are self-playing pianos
  • Derringer was the go-to gun choice for the ladies. Easy to handle and easy to conceal.

Nanie Hurley 🌿pens a story with an arc toward redemption:



Misha Seeks
Fiction Shorts

Digital writer, inspo seeker. fiction dabbler, and self developer.