Vincent van Gogh | French | Humor

Vincent van Gogh’s Lost Paintings

Would you prefer a nice pear or a nice pair?

Randy Runtsch
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min readAug 9, 2024


Self-portrait of Vincent Willem van Gogh, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Nethalands. Photo by Author.

This drabble, a hundred-word fictional story, responds to the Random Drabble 221 challenge. The random word is voice, while the twist is a photograph of a pear hanging in a tree.

With time to kill before lunch, Pierre popped into Gallery Claude.

The gallerist jumped. “Bonjour, monsieur. My name is Claude. May I assist?”

After Pierre described his tastes, Claude commanded, “Follow me.”

He guided Pierre into a back room. Snapping a veil from the wall, he revealed two paintings and announced, “Van Gogh’s lost sunflowers.” Then, he expounded ad nauseam on the artist’s life.

Eyes drooping, Pierre’s stomach growled. Suddenly, a woman appeared beside him, pear in hand.

Pierre looked over and declared, “Nice pear.”

Then, Claude boasted, “Nice pair of paintings indeed.”

Glancing at his watch, Pierre voiced, “Adieu.”

While adieu may have fallen out of everyday use, it can be a bold way to say “goodbye forever.” However, it consumes one percent of a drabble’s hundred-word limit, compared to two percent for today’s…



Randy Runtsch
Fiction Shorts

Writer | Photographer | Outdoor Lover | Adventure Cyclist | Business Owner | Data Analyst | Software Developer