What Are You Hiding?

A Random Word Drabble Challenge #146: act

Poet In The Arctic
Fiction Shorts


Photo by Matt Walsh on Unsplash

A Drabble is a fiction story of exactly 100 words. No more, no less. What story can you spin? Stick around for more than 30 seconds to find out (and support a writer!)

Every day was the same. Same mask, same analyzing cues, same attempts to fit in. It was all an act, a ruse.

A way to attempt a life undetected.

A way to hide the truth and try to be like everyone else. I had to be.

But it was exhausting.

I’d return to my bed at night absolutely drained to the point of almost paralysis. How could I continue on like this?

I thought the longer I hid, the easier it would get. Practice makes perfect.

But no.

I was just miserable.

But if I was being honest, I was-

Why don’t you fill the rest in? What are you hiding?

Check out this really unique Drabble by Paul Gardner:

Check out the Drabble announcement below too and feel free to join in on the fun!



Poet In The Arctic
Fiction Shorts

Arctic Dreamer. Forest Breather. I write about my experiences living in the North with a side of fiction short stories and poetry.