What’s That Smell?

Random Word Drabble Challenge 209

Julia A. Keirns
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min readJul 27, 2024


The word is garbage and the twist is to write 150 words instead of only 100.

Photo by Lucas van Oort on Unsplash

Rich and Julie pulled into the new campground with high hopes. They always loved the adventure of leaving one place and traveling someplace new.

This time they were camping in southern Texas for a few months during the winter. The campground looked nice online. Julie had checked all the reviews.

As they were setting up the camper, Rich said, “Do you smell that?”

“Yeah. What do you suppose it is?”

“Smells like dead animals to me.”

Rich walked the trash to the garbage bin. The closer he got, the worse the smell became.

When he opened the lid it hit him like a brick wall and the flies swarmed around his face. He quickly threw in the bag of trash and hurried back to the camper trying not to vomit.

“We are not staying here! Hurry and get ready to move. The garbage bin is full of heads! Human heads!”

(No wonder all the reviews were good. The owners just killed all the bad campers! Ha ha!)

I enjoyed reading the following story written by Karen Schwartz.



Julia A. Keirns
Fiction Shorts

Currently living in an RV full time and traveling across North America. The goal is simply to write about it. Editor of Fiction Shorts, the Challenged, and ROD.