When You’re Rich You Have No Need to Worry

Maria Rattray
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min readAug 4, 2024


Photo by Dorian Mongel on Unsplash

Today’s random word is: POSH

The story must start with: Uncovering my family’s pictures was a shock.

Uncovering my family’s pictures was a shock. There they were, dressed up to the nines, hob-knobbing with the rich as they travelled to and from India.

In those days people like us didn’t travel far. Oh we’d have the odd week by the sea, freezing our backsides off, pretending to have fun, but that was it!

And now I see we had a subset of monied relatives.

“We’re officially POSH,” they said excitedly.


“Stands for, port out, starboard home, which now means we travel to India and back in the cooler cabins of the Oriental Steam Navigation Company.

Note: This POSH way of travel is hotly-debated by those in the know. Still, money has always bought preferential treatment, so ...

If you’re not already on board with writing drabbles, (short, 100-word stories, no more, no less,) do yourself a favour. Get stuck in! They are a lot of fun to write, but also serve as a lesson in tight writing, given the 100-word constraint.



Maria Rattray
Fiction Shorts

Writer, author, teacher, fun-loving poet. Trying valiantly to make the world a better place. Helping you to guide the future. Find me at: https://ponmyword.com