While Taking Photographs

Fleeting moments are always harder to capture.

Sarah S
Fiction Shorts
Jan 5, 2024


Photo by Rachel Claire on Pexels

In the quiet valley, she hikes down the pebbly path, clutching her camera. She searches for that one perfect shot. The cool breeze tugs at her sleeves again, raising goosebumps along her arms. It’s been years since her last hiking trip, and the absence of her brother’s voice gnaws at her.

A sudden rustle nearby makes her shoulders jump. She pauses, lifting her camera, eyes scanning the desolate gorge. A bird flies out. She zooms in but misses it by mere seconds. Her eye lost in the valley’s dry sunrise, she lowers her camera, looking elsewhere. Ben wouldn’t have missed it.

This flash fiction piece is a response to day 5 of the Random Word Drabble Challenge: Valley by Nancy Oglesby. Thanks for reading!



Sarah S
Fiction Shorts

Writer. Reviewer. Book Lover. Film Enthusiast. Dedicated to unravelling the magic of stories through insightful reviews and handpicked recommendations.