Who Goes!!!

As simple as axe, blood, cultism, death

Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min read14 hours ago


The random word is TELEGRAPH. The first sentence is SHE SAW THE SHADOW OF AN AXE

Trigger warning: violence

Photo by Dan Edwards on Unsplash

Please enjoy my one hundred words drabble for at least 30 seconds so Medium knows you’ve been here. Claps, highlights, and comments will help my stories get views. I would do the same for you.

She saw the shadow of an axe before she heard the screams, and the cracking sounds bones make beneath metal.

That’s exactly what she told the journalists, antsy men and women who pushed their recorders in her face as they interviewed her by the telegraph in the museum.

What she couldn’t say was that she knew the women who wielded the axe.

Before then, she had associated violence of such with men. Women usually expressed their ire with catfights and pulled hairs. But she learned that violence, like any vice, isn’t gender-based. All it needs is an available vessel.

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