10. Limits Unlimited

— Discoverables —

Kjell Pettersson
Fictional Mathematics
2 min readOct 7, 2013


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The Core

One Half

A look at the numbers from five through ten, but not in that order. The others will also be presented, but not here and now.


Knowing what is core and what is not there would be ways to evaluate how central and “archetypal” an equation or a context is. Every prime would be like 7, which would be the primary template of primes, in particular the unknown ones.


Five and lower primes, if such are accepted as primal, would rather signify primes mapped, meaning previous unknowns now not unknown any longer. Following this it would seem that in the Tetractys we may think of five and numbers lower as within the known limits, seven as beyond these. Six, then, would speak of that which is available to discover, the moving border of the observable universe, or, of the universe of observed facts.


Eight would be that which we can safely predict, knowing the laws by which to predict it, eight being a multiple of four.


Ten, however, being the double of five, which is the limit of the known, would be the limit of even what can be found out. The far-away horizon. Beyond which we need to assume the realm of seven to be, the realm of the highest prime.


Having defined slightly the area of the upper echelon of the Tetractys, it would seem that if eight is that which can be safely predicted and ten the ultimate horizon, nine — as a Gödel-string — would be the Terra Incognita we do not have within reach, do not now know how to reach, but can in principle reach. Discovery-realm.

How to look at the divine aspects of the Integers from the other end, from the Olympian perspective, will be given elsewhere.

