The Follower: A Letter from the Editor

Changes to our submissions policy

Troy Larson
2 min readJul 20, 2023


art by author

Greetings again, dark fiction lovers. This is a little different than the typical issue of The Follower because I wanted to bring everyone up to speed on what’s happening at Fiction Faction.

First, the stats. As of this writing, we are up to 129 followers and we have published 11 different writers of dark fiction, science fiction and suspense.

art by author

Now, in recent months I have gone through a personal transition which has unexpectedly sent me down a road I never expected, into the world of concert photography. That has left me with very little time for writing, not to mention editing and publishing duties. To add to the chaos, there have been an inordinate number of Fiction Faction writer requests by “writers” who never submit anything, and it sucks up an unacceptable amount of my time to approve those requests.

So, from here forward, Fiction Faction is going to be more selective about the writers and the work we accept; both the quality of the writing, and the ability of the writer to make sure their submission meets the formatting guidelines: title / subtitle / feature image (landscape, no text) / body of story / short author bio in 3rd person.

I hope to return to writing some of my own fiction soon, but until then, you can enjoy some of my personal favorites, like Ghost in the Machine and The Elevator, or go read the excellent new story Paul O'Neill just submitted, Three’s a Crowd.

We’ll be back with a regular issue of The Follower soon.

Troy Larson is a writer, photographer, digital content creator, and broadcast veteran with hundreds of podcast and broadcast credits to his name. Reach out on Instagram and Facebook.



Troy Larson
FictionFaction | Unagented Fiction Author | 3x Top Writer on Art, Rock Music, Photography. Digital Content Producer. Broadcast veteran.