The Follower: Nightmares, Revenge, and Cosmic Horror

Issue #6: Ok, seriously. Who’s writing?

Troy Larson
3 min readJun 16, 2023


The Follower, Issue #6 / art by author

Hello again dark fiction fans. Your editor is back with another issue of The Follower, the official newsletter of Fiction Faction. If you’re receiving this newsletter for the first time, and you’re a fan of dark fiction, science fiction and suspense, you’re in the right place. As of this writing, we are up to 114 followers and we have published 11 different writers of the spooky, eerie and unbelievable.

art by author

New Short Fiction

In this issue we have 3 new stories from returning writers, a bit of nightmare fiction from a new contributor, and our first serial from another author. Let’s dig in!

Stewart Storrar

Writer Stewart Storrar’s previous submission was a great introduction to Stewart’s science fiction talent at the keyboard. Now, he’s back with a modernist take on cosmic horror, The Spire, and you should go read it.

Troy Larson

I managed to get two new stories out since our last issue — Silhouette of Retribution, a straight crime story about a curmudgeon pushed to the edge who fights back, with deadly consequences. I hope you enjoy it. Also, I wrote a conventional drama piece which did not have any elements of dark fiction, so I didn’t publish it on Fiction Faction, but if you want to read something different, try The Pain of Starting Again.

Elara’s Love

The Darkness That Lurks is a bit of nightmare fiction and the first contribution from Elara's Love. It’s a nice quick read if you have a few minutes waiting in line at the DMV or something. Ominous and spooky, just like the DMV.

New Serial Fiction

Christopher Neal | The Wayward Stoic has joined Fiction Faction with the first installment of his Psalms of Thesia serial: Chapter 0 — The Wayward Drifter, a scifi/fantasy work that would be right at home in the Dark Tower Universe, and also clocks in at 15-minutes for those who love a longer, more in-depth read. We’re looking forward to reading all of that.

art by author

OK, Who is Writing?

There is someone reading this right now who has an amazing piece of writing, sitting in the cloud, just waiting to be finished. So far, Fiction Faction has approved 35 writers, but only 10 have submitted their work to be published. I wonder whether some of those approved authors might struggle with self-doubt or a lack of confidence in their story?

If nobody has told you today, you can do this. Finish it up. Polish it. Then submit it, and let’s share it with the world!

Who is writing?

Make sure you follow Fiction Faction, the editor, and the newsletter so you don’t miss a thing.

Troy Larson is a writer, digital content creator, and the publisher of FictionFaction. Keep up to date with writers of dark fiction, science fiction and suspense in The Follower newsletter. Reach out on Mastodon and on Twitter.



Troy Larson
FictionFaction | Unagented Fiction Author | 3x Top Writer on Art, Rock Music, Photography. Digital Content Producer. Broadcast veteran.