A Murder

Kim Ferrer
Fiction Hub
Published in
4 min readSep 29, 2016

“It was dark and violent. I was very angry : the emotion responsible to every gravity of force in stabbing him.”

Photo Grabbed : https://s3.scoopwhoop.com/anj/stabbbbmurderer/199795485.jpg

I was with someone — I can’t recognized his face — we were trying to break inside a baseball court. We climbed on its tall fences which on my estimate they were about 10 to 15 ft. tall. While we were climbing up, surprisingly the guy I am with disappeared. I got terrified. Lights suddenly shut down.

I am now alone.

While looking for a light, someone just flashed a light on my face. I was shocked. I froze for a moment on what should I do. At that point, I don’t know where to go but then I became torn between whether will I jump inside the court or just go down and run. But that moment I thought it wasn’t the time for contemplation. The only thing was running in my head was to escape. So I climbed up to the top and then jumped inside the court — which seems the only choice I had, then I ran in a speed of light — because I don’t want to be caught. And what was terrifying was the fact that I don’t know who was that person chasing me — I couldn’t recognize his face. But I’ve got no time to think, all I know was I need to run as fast as I can to reach home because then I realized my house is just nearby of that place.

So, I run. It was a never-ending run in a predicament. I just want to reach my house to end all of this. I was scared.

While running — I tried to get a glance behind my back and I saw him behind me. He’s so near that he already had the chance to grab my shirt so, I speed it up. My heart was racing, and there was sweat dripping from my face. I also felt cold and scared. There were a plethora of thoughts dumping and running in my brain.

Then I wasn’t aware that we had already been running outside the court. We were now running at a dark long and silent eldritch road where at the end of it I can see my house, lit with yellow incandescent light. While we were running on the horrors of the road all I was thinking was to reach my house. Run right through there as fast as I can.

My mind was motivated and I was very focused to be home — I can make it, I can see it. So I ran as fast as I can. And while cruising down the lane with agony going to my house. I saw a car parked on the right side of the road. Then I thought I needed some rest so I hid there for awhile. While inside, I was very anxious and my mind was full of misery that I was able to hear voices telling me that “he’s just around” , teasing me about getting caught and telling me I need to hit the road and run again because it was just a block away from my home and I need to hurry. I was pressured at that time on making my decision but I thought of hurrying up before these voices deafened me.

Before I went out the car, first I made sure that my surroundings were clear and he’s not outside waiting for me. I took a peek on the windows. I scanned outside : first, on the right, all I see was darkness and houses with no lights. Second, on my left, then I saw him. He saw me. My heart pumped so hard and my pupils dilated. I have to move quickly to get out of that car. As I escaped the car, I looked towards at our house — it so near yet so far. Then I ran in a full speed right through that direction but I saw him behind me with about two to three meters away. I felt the adrenaline rushing through my veins that I didn’t notice that I had passed thru a shallow street. Next thing I know, it’s a dead end.

Then he caught me.

I was frightened at that moment. I was in a place where I was so helpless and I don’t know how to escape that tribulation. My body specifically my hand — in my surprise — was holding a knife. I was shivering. Due to my anger, I attacked him and stabbed him in his neck. His blood overflowed and sprouted everywhere. It was dark and violent. I was very angry : the emotion responsible for every gravity of force in stabbing him. I had stabbed him a couple of times until I stopped. Next thing I knew, I saw my hands covered with his blood. I was in a state of shock until realized I killed someone. I felt guilty of everything but I felt the anger in me was released. I felt the extra baggage inside me has gone.

The next thing I knew, I opened my eyes and wake up from a nightmare.

I ‘m actually half awake at that time until a montage of events start to run into my mind, and let me realize what’s inside me. It led me to a state that I wasn’t fully aware I was — or maybe just denying it. All those things only mean one thing, hate.

