— Revolutionary outline editor for writers

Create brilliant stories with clarity and flow

Fiction Hub
4 min readMay 7, 2017


Let’s face it — writing is fucking hard, and often boring. I love Science Fiction and Comedy, and I desperately want to become a great writer, but staring at a blank page is goddamn excruciating, and once I manage to come up with the initial idea, crafting a story very quickly becomes overwhelming.

There’s just so much information to manage — plots, multiple storylines, character ideas, worldbuilding details, megabytes of thoughts that will never make it even into the first draft, but were still generated by my caffeine-infused brain. And then you need to write and organize all the scenes, which must convey the information, snappy dialogue, conflict, payoffs… You get it.

The biggest challenge though, is the lack of clear, specific, and attainable goals. To get into the Flow, you need to be able to break down your goals into small manageable steps, challenging yet attainable, that will drive you further and give your brain the dopamine reward when you win. But the inherent messiness of the creative process makes it very difficult. Unlike in programming or computer games, in writing it’s hard to design a series of clear steps that keep you happy, curious, and engaged.

Finally, to achieve the mastery at writing, it’s important to practice regularly, develop sustainable habits, and track your progress. Alas, even though once you’re “in the zone” the process of writing can be incredibly fun, it usually requires a lot of will power and discipline to get started with your daily writing.

I’ve spent years thinking on how to solve these problems, and as a result, I have built

Nulis is a tree-editor. To put it simply — imagine that your favorite mind-mapping and story plotting tool had sex with your favorite text editor.

It works like this:

  • You start with your general story concept, just an idea with a tagline. That is the “root’ of your story tree.
  • You then break it down into more details — acts, and story arcs.
  • Which you then break down even further — into scenes.

Trees like that can become incredibly long and deep, while still being extremely easy to manage. You can create branches for character details and world building, you can tag, colorize, and filter cards by different story arcs, and you can use many other tools which enable you to conveniently organize massive amounts of information, and easily access it any time you need. This way, Nulis allows you to manage any amount of complexity, and makes it very fun to do.

More importantly — it provides a structure for your writing process, and gives you clear and straightforward goals to accomplish. The process of writing is naturally broken down into subgoals, which are then broken down into even smaller and easier steps, until eventually you have a bird’s-eye overview of your whole project and a set of extremely clear and non-intimidating challenges to solve.

This makes writing process interactive, and incredibly easy to begin and continue. Just create cards, and write down your ideas, and keep refining and modifying your tree, until finally you have written a well crafted and beautiful story, like a painter starting with a rough draft and gradually improving it until it becomes a masterpiece. And this never gets more overwhelming than creating a short card describing a part of a story or draft of a scene.

Nulis has helped me to solve the hardest challenges I have encountered during writing, and I think it will help you as well.

This project is still work in progress — it is a very early version that I have launched only recently. There’s much left to improve — there will be writing stats and word targets(helping you to track your progress and develop good habits), there will be custom templates and different export formats, there will be themes and revisions and much more.

Meanwhile, I invite you to become an early adopter and try it out.

If you will find it useful — send me a message to with some feedback and ideas, let me know the questions you have or issues that you encounter, this will help me to improve Nulis and achieve my dream — develop the perfect, ultimate, most awesome writing tool that has ever existed. The first 100 users to send me some feedback or share Nulis with their friends will receive unlimited lifetime accounts for free!

