Lost in The Woods

Nataliia Stempkovska
Published in
2 min readNov 27, 2021


Photo by Rosie Sun on Unsplash

John loves to walk in the woods, distracted from the bustle of the city and everyday problems. In autumn, the forest is magnificent. The trees have already taken off their summer clothes and prepared for the winter serenity. He inhaled deeply the scent of pine needles mixed with wet moss. Forest.

The cones and shriveled thorns of the trees crunched under John’s feet. Nearby, he saw a fallen tree. John walked over to him, looked around, and sat down on a log. Silence. He took a book from his backpack and began to read.

“Help,” a barely audible female voice broke the idyll. “Help me, please,” a voice more demandingly made its way through the branches of the trees. John paused from reading, trying to determine where the sound was coming from. Northwest.

He quickly jumped up and headed in the direction of the sound. The girl’s scream became more apparent. John began to run, shouting, “I’m already running, don’t do anything.”
“Help, I’m stuck. I need help,” the girl shouted.

The forest grew thicker, and John was more and more removed from the city and the roadway. But then the voice was gone.
“Where are you?” shouted John, “I can’t hear you!” It was already completely dark. And then John realized that he did not know the way back. He tried again to call the girl, but no one responded. John took out his phone, but there was no connection in this wilderness.

“Damn,” John said aloud as he made his way deeper into the woods, trying to find a connection. Staring at the phone, John stepped on something soft and felt himself sinking underground. Dropping the phone from his hand, he rolled head over heels downward, finding himself at the bottom of the pit. John, uttering an inhuman cry, tried to get up, but his leg seemed to be broken. He started screaming and calling for help when he saw a large shadow that covered the moonlight.

“I love the autumn forest,” Ellie said, holding Etan’s hand tightly. “Such a magical smell of pine needles!” The couple walked the path that had just awakened from the rays of the morning sun. “So silent,” the girl said admiringly.

“Help,” a barely audible male voice broke the idyll.

