A Face in the Window

Part I

Adam Hrankowski, ADHD
Published in
5 min readNov 13, 2021


The instant David set foot aboard the Greyhound bus, he knew. The eleven hours ahead would not be pleasant.

A subtle pulse had already developed behind his left eye. If he struck back now, perhaps he could reduce the inevitable pain.

The bus was nearly empty. David shuffled along the darkened aisle and found a pair of empty seats near the back. He scooted in next to the window and deposited his backpack on the accompanying seat. Hands shaking, he unzipped an outer pocket and withdrew a small pill box. David popped open the lid and flipped the open box over onto his cupped palm. Three white tablets bounced into his hand.

This is a three-alarm migraine.

As the bus continued to fill, the pulse behind his left eye heralded each new arrival with a fresh jab of pain.

David dispatched the three tables tablets, chasing them down with a gulp from his water bottle. Then, he reclined his chair, tilted his head toward the window and closed his watering eyes. As the bus continued to fill, the pulse behind his left eye heralded each new arrival with a fresh jab of pain.



Adam Hrankowski, ADHD

Canadian math guy, experimenting with fiction. Find my new scifi/fantasy serial here: https://unaccompaniedminor.substack.com/