A Groupon For A Four Night Stay

A chance for Martha to find herself again



Photo by zanna-76 on Pixaby

Martha walked through the snow with red cheeks devoid of feeling, a bruised nose, and a burning sensation deep within her toes. The wind was howling and blasting through the trees, finding its way through every layer of her clothing. Snow continued to fall and sparkle against the sun’s rays — tiny ice crystals layered upon each other, resurfacing every time a strong breeze came around.

Snowflakes landed on the tip of her nose and eyelids. Shallow, fast breaths escaped through her nostrils as her feet struggled to increase their walking pace through the snowy patches. Unsure of which direction to go next, she hoped to find the house or any house before the temperatures dropped further. She wondered if Catherine was doing okay.

The Groupon for a four-night stay at a lake house had arrived by email only two days prior. Offering accommodation for women only, Martha had been intrigued. The inclusion of hunting, firearms training, and self-defense classes, far away from city life, appealed to her. With the memory of the robbery still fresh in her mind, Martha hadn’t thought twice. She needed something that made her feel safe — an opportunity to make friends and bond with other women for a change. More importantly, it was a chance to find herself again. Being robbed had taken…




Enjoys writing poetry but also creative fiction and nonfictional pieces! Creativity bleeds through me and that includes art!