Dreaming in Lavender

Oona St. Clair

A. N. Tipton


Image by Ivilin Stoyanov from Pixabay

The outside world was unknown to her, but she could see a glimpse of it through the window in his room. A vast landscape of desert sand rippled like waves on the rocky landscape as stars began to twinkle in the lavender sky. Two moons shone bright in the darkening skyline. The air on this planet wasn’t breathable to humans, but they had decided to put a small station on this planet for scientific discovery and research.

Oona St. Clair was a bit of a discovery herself. Her mother became pregnant shortly after her second year of this station’s mission. She never said who the father was and even went as far as to say she didn’t know how it happened. They never found out who fathered her, as her DNA didn’t match any of the other scientists on the station. And sadly, her mother didn’t live past the birthing. Oona had been rigorously studied, picked, prodded and evaluated for any anomalies, but she always came back plain human. She was raised by the other scientists who lived on the station, belonging to no one and everyone.

This planet was light years away from Earth and she was told they only had a certain number of ships that were capable of long-range travel. This was a twenty-year mission and Oona’s sixteenth birthday was the next day. By the time the great ship came to collect the scientists and evacuate the station, Oona would be…



A. N. Tipton

I am a Writer, a Lover of Books, a Mother & an Usui Reiki Master who loves to read & write & all things Universal. Words move me, inform me, inspire me.