Just Another Day

An answer to a prompt

A. N. Tipton


Photo by Levi Guzman on Unsplash

The air was electric as Alice and her friends walked down the Las Vegas sidewalk, high heels clacking and short skirts flashing. Birthdays only came once a year and Alice wanted to remember this night for the rest of her life. Her telephone vibrated as a text from Alejandro flashed across the screen.

“Who is it?” her friend Judas asked. She showed her friend the screen.

“Oh, it’s Poker Face.”

Alice rolled her eyes over the nick name that her friends gave her ex-boyfriend. Their love was doomed from the start and a lesson in bad romance. He was more interested in doing dope than the LoveGame.

Alice shoved her phone into the pocket of her skirt and linked arms with Judas. They were on their way to a new and exclusive club that Judas’ brother worked at with V.I.P tickets in honor of Alice’s birthday.

The sidewalk was clogging up and flashes of lights were going off like little explosions ahead.

“Who’s that GUY?” their third friend, Joanne asked.

“I think it’s the lead singer from that band, Monster,” Judas replied.

Alice didn’t know who that was, and being short, she couldn’t see over the crowd. She had been in a bit of a funk from her breakup with the stupid love. Tonight was…



A. N. Tipton

I am a Writer, a Lover of Books, a Mother & an Usui Reiki Master who loves to read & write & all things Universal. Words move me, inform me, inspire me.