
Life takes an unexpected turn for a young wife desperately missing her royal marine husband during the Afghanistan War.

Simon Dillon


Photo by Loc Dang from Pexels

‘How are you coping?’

There aren’t words adequate to convey my inward rage whenever I hear this question. Sharon Adams means well, but seriously, how does she think I’m coping? How do any military wives cope, with their husbands in some godforsaken corner of Afghanistan, trying to track down Osama Bin Laden?

Sharon is the pastor’s wife, and I suppose I should be thankful for her visit. After all, I’ve been in other churches with pastors’ wives that were far more concerned with gossip than the wellbeing of their flock. Sharon isn’t guiltless on the gossip front either, but she has a good heart. I probably judge her too harshly.

‘I’m fine.’

The unconvincing words tumble off my tongue as I return my attention to the teapot. With a slow appraising nod, Sharon looks me up and down. I can tell she’ll arrive at the wrong conclusion about what I need.

Sure enough, once we’re sitting at the kitchen table with our tea and biscuits, Sharon says the words I’d hoped she’d have the sensitivity to avoid.

‘I really think you’d feel better if you came back to church.’



Simon Dillon

Novelist and Short Story-ist. Film and Book Lover. If you cut me, I bleed celluloid and paper pulp. Blog: www.simondillonbooks.wordpress.com