Representing Earth at the Annual Holiday Party of the Galactic Amalgamation of Associated Planets

What do the holidays mean to you?

Mary DeVries
Published in
8 min readDec 16, 2021


Image by Joseph Woodall from Pixabay

“Welcome, welcome,” Stushinfrutz shouted. “You must be Nia. Welcome to Tralsetor, home of the Galactic Amalgamation of Associated Planets.”

Nia pasted her best smile on her travel-weary face. Did smiling mean the same thing to an alien? Damn, I have so much to learn. Stushinfrutz was still talking but Nia found it hard to concentrate. She was mesmerized by the tentacles sprouting from his head. Each one seemed to move independently and yet it was almost as if there was a pattern. Were they ever still? she wondered.

Nia forced her eyes away from the wriggling mass down to Stushinfrutz’s chartreuse face. Surely staring is rude in any culture. Or was it? Maybe she was just hopelessly earthbound in her thinking patterns. Why had she ever accepted this assignment?

Focus, Nia, focus, she told herself firmly. Stay in the moment. You can reflect later.

Stushinfrutz motioned for her to follow him. Thankfully he only had two appendages sprouting from his torso and both appeared to only move when and where he directed them unlike the unruly mass topping his head.



Mary DeVries

The older I get, the less I know. That won’t stop me from writing about everything and anything under the sun. Join me in delighting and despairing about life.