Serpent’s Nest: “The Most Frightening Film You’ve Ever Seen.”

An exclusive interview with film director Kyle Rogers on his remarkable debut feature.

Simon Dillon


Credit: Blue Samurai Productions

Last weekend, I had the extraordinary opportunity to meet and record an interview with Kyle Rogers, director of Serpent’s Nest; a new horror film that has taken the festival circuit by storm.

Reportedly terrifying audiences at screenings, one couple refused to leave the cinema without a police escort, whilst others have fainted, or run from the screen in panic. At least one person is reported to have suffered a heart attack whilst watching, causing the projectionist to halt the film whilst the unfortunate audience member was carried away on a stretcher. Not since The Exorcist have scenes like this been witnessed, and that was the first subject I broached with Kyle.

SD: Many people think modern audiences are too desensitised to find horror films disturbing, but with all the visceral reactions Serpent’s Nest has provoked, are you surprised?

KR: I confess I am, a little. On one level, obviously, it is great publicity for the film, and it’s very satisfying to hear people say this is the most frightening film you’ve ever seen. I certainly didn’t expect the kinds of reactions that accompanied The Exorcist. I suppose it’s…



Simon Dillon

Novelist and Short Story-ist. Film and Book Lover. If you cut me, I bleed celluloid and paper pulp. Blog: