The Devil’s Fog and the Red Thread

Sunken in the dark waters of War, a soldier’s soul teeters on a thin red line.

Arpad Nagy


Photo by Sammy Williams on Unsplash

It was September of 1942, and the Axis had plunged the Allies into the chaos of war.

There was a madman at the helm of the evil forces marching across borders, intent on carving out a new world empire. So, the allies rallied in good faith and hard determination to meet that wickedness and wipe it from the earth.

Good men led these allied forces with righteous intentions and ethical actions. But amongst them, the twelve-man unit of the 1st Special Service Force currently returning from a field exercise at U.S. Army Base Fort Lewis, Washington, were not those men.

The mantra of these Green Berets was to “meet evil with evil,” and unconventional warfare was their bread and butter. Consequently, their training was highly specialized and never discussed outside their units.

Their goal was to mind fuck the enemy before disemboweling their souls by employing the weapons of psychological warfare and guerilla tactics,

Master Sergeant designate 18Z, Lance “Spooky” Pittlick, was the acting operations sergeant and carried the call sign “Spooky” because his operational plans generally…



Arpad Nagy

A Proud Hungarian-Canadian, throwback romantic who loves to write. Editor @ Kitchen Tales,The Short Place (Fiction) The Memoirist, Age of Empathy, The Book Cafe