The Forsaken Brother and His Lame-Brained Plan

I saw through the secret curse of the McCabe family

Lisa S. Gerard
Published in
8 min readOct 6, 2021


Close Up of Woman’s eye with lovers reflection as the pupil
Image by Jills from Pixabay

I watched him as he looked around at the grievers through hooded eyes, scanned for dissenters, and felt satisfied that there were none. I saw a quick flash of smugness, and I knew. His subtly was not lost on me. My intuition was never wrong.

I knew.

I knew what I saw.

Reactions of shock and grief were further compounded by an underlying confusion throughout the graveside visitors. The long line of cars in the funeral procession wrapped around blocks with no clear end.

They were a handsome, well-known family with established roots here for generations. Everyone knew at least one McCabe. Each family member had such a presence in this little bay town. They each contributed to the fabric of it in unique ways.

Mrs. McCabe retired after 45 years of teaching at the elementary school. Her mother and her sister preceded her. Mr. McCabe ran the local paper and had several national publications under his belt. His father, and his father’s father, were mayors for as long as anyone could remember. The natural assumption was that the torch would be handed down. The McCabe’s and their sons were…



Lisa S. Gerard

Just doing my thing, letting you do yours. Be kind. It matters. Help break Mental Health stigma. Share a smile.