Supernatural | Mini Series | Ep. 7

The One You Let In

Jay suspect he knows who’s hypnotising the children and formulates a plan to catch the culprit

Jacinta Palmer🍂
Published in
6 min readJun 10, 2022


Dark street, man, headlights, street lights, night, pavement
Image from Pixabay

Jay was scouring the library, but where best to look for more answers? Ahead was the ‘global culture’ section, from which a book had fallen on the floor. He picked it up. “Greek Mythology” its cover declared, in raised gold script. He opened the book and flicked through the pages, registering as he did so, how many legends had been plundered and used for modern game design.

He turned to the pages relating to the quest carried out by Perseus, his memory circling the story as if it had something significant to impart. He could remember the Gorgons with hair of writhing serpents, the one which Perseus kills was named Medusa. As pieces clicked together in his mind they brought a revelation as to this story’s usefulness: Perseus had used his shield like a mirror, to avoid looking directly at Medusa, which enabled him to get close enough to behead her and her enchanted gaze couldn’t turn him to stone.

At last they were getting somewhere - J checked out the book and stuffed it into his backpack, before hurrying back to afternoon class.



Jacinta Palmer🍂

Writing the kind of Fiction I love 2 Read | YA | Magical | Romance | Supernatural | Freelance Editor | Besotted with dogs *Does not Follow for Follow*