The Solar Presidency — The Final Chapter
An election in turmoil, a rogue rival to democracy, and the arrival of cataclysmic solar storms converge.
Previous chapters can be found here.
The Solar Presidency — The Final Chapter
Seated at the California Governor’s desk, Vice President Devi Emhoff waited to join the video conference with her boss, Harry Robinette, who was still President of the United States. On her West Coast campaign tour, Emhoff was in San Francisco while Barron was in Arlington making his grand tyrannical call to arms.
Emhoff was shoring her up her golden geese, the ultra-blue triplets, California, Oregon and Washington when all hell broke loose. With D.C. caught off-guard and thrown into the fire of reactionary measures and Barron stepping out of the Presidential race, the Democratic presidential nominee was more or less forgotten.
Essentially powerless, Emhoff could do little more than wait. Her strategists were falling over themselves…