
Flipped Off, Flipped Out, Flipped Over — and Out

John Douglas Porter
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2022


Siggy Nowak / Pixabay

A faded blue 1949 Ford pickup chugged along a narrow, winding country road and toward a sign reading BAD ROAD: BE KIND.

In the pickup, Lester Williams — a huge, bearded, middle-aged man — looked at the sign, carefully drove past it, and slowly followed the road, which turned to the right and continued around a hill.

The sun was bright, and the sky was blue: the day was absolutely beautiful.

Lester smiled, thinking about the lovely aromas waiting for everyone who drove past Mrs. MacGregor’s flower garden, which was down the road a mile or so.

“It’s good to be alive,” Lester said to himself.

Behind the pickup, a bright red 2022 Corvette raced past the sign.

In the Corvette, Justin Folger — a young man wearing three gold chains around his neck — followed the turn, saw the pickup, and skidded behind it. He glanced at his wristwatch.

“Damn it all!” he shouted, already ten minutes late for the showing that could lead to a seven-figure sale, a sale that would bring a six-figure commission.

He saw the pickup move to the right, off the pavement.

He downshifted, leaned back in his seat, and accelerated. He pulled beside the pickup…



John Douglas Porter

John Porter manages his family’s cattle ranch in California, where he also writes screenplays, essays, and stories.