New Fictive Kin Site

Cameron Koczon
Fictive Kin
Published in
1 min readJul 14, 2016

“Today, we have a new site.”

It feels good to write those words. Although — and I feel I can be straight with you, because we are pals — perhaps not as good as if I had written them on our target launch date. :)

But you’re a pro. You know how it is with redesigning something as personal as your own site. It becomes less about the redesign and more about the cosmic “Who are we?” of it all.

Those conversations are fun but also hard. They force you to put into words the unspoken things that drive your company and to isolate the things about you that set you apart from those other yokels.

Thankfully, all that is over. Our site is live. Later than expected, but no less loved by our team. You can look at it. You can read it. And, should the need strike you, you can use it to hire us.



Cameron Koczon
Fictive Kin

I'm a partner at @fictivekin, the product studio of your dreams. Formerly: @brooklynbeta and @gimmebar.