All Poets Should Create a Handmade Poetry Chapbook

It will become one of your most treasured possessions

Christina M. Ward
Fiddleheads & Floss
4 min readSep 23, 2019


Author’s photo, title page

When I was in college, I took every writing course that my school had to offer. Although I was working on a science degree I wanted to double major in writing. I ended up getting a minor in English with a concentration in writing because there was not a “writing” major or minor available at my school.

There was one technical writing class and two creative writing classes, one of which focused on poetry. Of course I took all three classes and even had them design a class on environmental writing, in which I was the only student.

If you haven’t had the fortune or ability to go to college I encourage you to enroll in some type of class. Community colleges offer poetry classes oftentimes and just being with community while working through poetry is very rewarding.

The final exam for my creative writing poetry class was to create a handmade chapbook with at least 10 poems in it of a consistent theme. We were to meet and present are chapbooks together and do a poetry reading from our chapbooks to the class.

We met at my professors apartment for our final exam get together. It was a lovely atmosphere with finger foods and lit candles. We each took a turn to present our…



Christina M. Ward
Fiddleheads & Floss

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