May Writing Experience; A Month-Long Writing Growth Challenge

Come and join Fiddleheads & Floss Poetry and Sky Collection Publications for a May Medium Writers Growth Challenge.

Christina M. Ward
Fiddleheads & Floss
3 min readApr 27, 2021


Author’s graphic

Welcome to the May Writing Experience.

Two Medium pubs are collaborating for a month-long writing experience, complete with Medium challenges to nourish your writing growth as well as your professional growth here on Medium. Who should join us? I am glad you asked.

  • New Medium writers who are still learning the ropes here at Medium.
  • Poets, creative writers, novelists, essayists, bloggers, SEO and science writers, finance writers, technical writers, and basically anyone who puts pen to paper or fingertips to keyboard and writes. If you write regularly or want it to become a bigger part of your life — you are in the right place.
  • Anyone who wants to grow their reach and influence here on Medium.
  • Writers who are struggling to find or who have lost touch with their writer’s voice.
  • Any writer here on Medium who wants to learn and grow creatively.

The WHO and the WHAT of this…



Christina M. Ward
Fiddleheads & Floss

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