Fidel Card Linked Offers Platform 💳

Merchant Features

Tim Weatherseed
3 min readJul 17, 2018


Create card linked offers with Fidel

After many months of planning we are pleased to announce that our unique Card Linked Offers Platform is going to be launching next month. The new platform is going to be the easiest way for merchants to publish card linked offers and reach millions of customers.

We couldn’t wait to shout about some of the brilliant features our developers have been creating, so here is a little preview of what is on its way.

Double Dipping / Stacking 👥 ✅

We know how big this is in the card-linking space and while we want merchants to work with as many of our publishers as possible, we don’t want them paying out on a discount twice. So we have this covered!

All merchants on the new platform can select their offer priority, so if a customer is linked to multiple publishers, we’re make sure the discount is only paid out once. Simple!!

Different Day / Time Offers 📆 ⏰

There could be certain days of the week or times when sales are low, so we wanted to help merchants out. In the new platform merchants can select what days of the week or times when they’d like their offer(s) to be live. To note, this will only be available with certain publishers who can accommodate these types of offers.

Offer Forecasting 📊💰

Everyone wants to know roughly how much budget they may need or how much revenue an offer is going to drive. That’s why we’re adding in a forecasting tool which can let merchants adjust their offer rules to create more successful campaigns.

Returns Policy 🛍 🛒

We want to know what everyone’s return policy is so no customer is awarded their discount until the returns policy has expired. We simply put a pending status on all transactions until the returns policy has ended.

Redemption Limit 📈⚠️

If a merchant has a limited budget and/or knows the maximum number of redemptions they would like to achieve, we can make sure an offer automatically expires once the limit has been reached.

Full Transparency & Control 🖥 👀

Merchants will have full control over any live offers they have running with publishers that are on the platform. They will be able to see transactions as they happen in real time, monitor campaign budgets and receive alerts when they get close to their limits.

Merchants will be able to see exactly how much revenue they are generating, how much customers are receiving and keep track of performance fees. And of course, if merchants need to reconcile each transaction against their own records, they can export all of the data.

Flexible Payment Options 🏦 📨

Chasing finance can be a pain so we wanted to take this burden away by giving merchants the option to pay by debit card or through Direct Debit. Don’t worry, we ensure monthly invoices are sent out and if needed, merchants can still pay by invoice too.

Watch out for more news when our launch date has been confirmed! 🌈 If you have any questions, feel free to ping us at

