Linking the online with the offline world

An effortless journey to the Single Customer View

Sam Leslie-Miller
2 min readFeb 1, 2017


If you truly understand your customers, you will quickly find small changes that can make a significant impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty, when you take their perspective.There are huge benefits to both the consumer and retailer in having a ‘single customer view’, it is what every merchant strives for, to be able to fully understand their customers but also to be able to act on that information.

However, it is often very difficult to reach this goal from both a technology perspective and more importantly a customer. For the Retailer it can be complex, with many companies specialising in providing different parts of the data puzzle, some social, some online and some in store, often requiring complicated, costly integrations. Furthermore, the data does not necessarily exist in real time.

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes” — Marcel Proust

Achieving and maintaining this single, integrated view of customers and products is never a “big bang” project. Instead, it is more of a continuing and ever-evolving journey, with constant upkeep critical to preserving SCV accuracy and so effectiveness. With 7.2 million people moving home and 600,000 dying in the UK alone each year, external databases are a vital part of this refresh process.

From a customer’s perspective, they must constantly be engaged in their loyalty card, every time they visit a shop or an online store they must be scanning barcodes, swiping additional cards, remembering to bring cards or inputting offer codes every time they transact. This is a constant ‘two-step’ process, an onerous burden for any individual no matter how stress-free their lifestyle is, the current climate really is an unhappy marriage.

Imagine if you could track your customer’s spend in store & online without the added effort of customer input. Imagine if you could acknowledge your customers’ purchase in real-time and deliver personalised communication without having to train your staff. Imagine if the customer didn’t have to do anything extra to benefit from an offer, just simply carry out a purchase using their bank card.

We are pleased to say that it is now possible. Using the Fidel API, merchants are able to link customer’s online spend with offline. With a simple 15 minute integration, your customers are able to benefit from a single step process into loyalty. Every time a customer shops in your store, whether it is virtual, bricks & mortar or both — Retailers can now offer a completely unified experience to the customer.

The technology can be easily embedded into any iOS, Android or Web application using our native SDKs.

If you are interested in finding out more, please contact us on or check out our website at

