FidelityHouse ICO: softcap reached in less than 24 hours of Public Sale

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2 min readApr 2, 2019

Started on 21 February 2019, the Public Sale of FidelityHouse International has already achieved the first goal. The Swiss company, based in Lugano, has announced that it has reached the Soft Cap in less than 24 hours since the opening of the public tokensale.

Over 51 million FIH Tokens have already been sold, corresponding to over 3 million dollars (considering that 1 FIH = 0.0004 ETH and that on 02/21/2019 the value of the ETH at the time of the trading operation was 147 USD): a remarkable result, especially if we consider the particular moment of crisis experienced by the cryptocurrency sector.

FidelityHouse’s internationalization process, supported by a financial roadmap that immediately received encouraging results, is proceeding with great results. There are 9 partners (8 in Italy and 1 in Switzerland) who have believed since Round 1 in the global scalability of the business model linked to the Italian user-generated content platform, the flagship product of the Paduan digital agency Horizon Group.

Also the second Round, started on June 7th with a public offer of Equity Crowdfunding, recorded results beyond expectations: with 83 confirmed subscriptions and a Hard Cap of 650 thousand euros achieved also in this case in less than 24 hours, the FidelityHouse campaign was the most powerful in the history of MamaCrowd. Numerous adhesions also to Private Sale and Presale (Round 3).

“With great pride, I announce the achievement of the Soft Cap in less than 24 hours from the opening of the Public Sale”, commented Francesco Fasanaro, CEO and founder of FidelityHouse International. “We have already raised over 3 million dollars: February 21, 2019 was, without any doubt, the most important day of my 12-year career as an entrepreneur, aware above all of the value of this result in an economic context like the current one that certainly has discouraged even the crypto-friendly users”.

“This milestone is for us a double victory and the confirmation of the great potential of the product and the business model that we are internationalizing”.

The launch of will also bring with it a load of technological innovation that represents, in fact, one of the strengths of the model. Indeed, the user-generated content platform itself is joined by FidelityHouse Chain, a blockchain based platform that offers timestamping, plagiarism monitoring, licensing options and, last but not least, legal protection.

You Create, We Protect: is the slogan of FidelityHouse International that in just 4 words clarifies the true essence of the product also supported by the cryptocurrency FIH Token: the authors create the contents, we protect them with our services that are based on 3”cornerstones” enabled by the blockchain technology: proof of authorship, proof of license and proof of revenue,” concludes Fasanaro.




FidelityHouse is a user-generated content platform based on FidelityHouse Token cryptocurrency and Ethereum blockchain technology