Timestamping: what it is and how we use it

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2 min readSep 20, 2018

A timestamp on blockchain is a service that allows you to prove the authorship of a content and to certify the date of existence.

This is an IT process, legally recognized, through which you can protect your own creativity, a real proof of copyright applicable to any intellectual work, which can then be published to web or shared on Social Networks safely.

Taking advantage of the blockchain technology characteristics, a network distributed on a global scale, inviolable and with no preset deadlines, the timestamping service consists basically of two mechanisms:

  • timestamping, which allows you to prove the existence of a content after a certain date (which corresponds to the filing date);
  • hashing, which through the application of a specific algorithm allows to obtain the so-called “hash value”, that is the fingerprint of a digital file, an alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies it.

In the absence of antecedents and contrasting proofs, the certification generated through a timestamp on blockchain is an authorship proof, legally valid and recognized worldwide, of the work that can be used by the author as proof against possible cases of plagiarism, copyright infringement, counterfeiting, misuse and illicit diffusion of the content.

Content upload and distribution license choice

After choosing the timestamp service on blockchain, the author uploads its content on the platform and declares its authorship. In case the author wishes to make it available to third parties, it can also choose the recipients and the “Creative Commons” distribution license that best fits its needs.

In other cases, the author might want to prohibit the use of its work without permission by selecting the “all rights reserved” license, or to keep the content only for itself and use it, for example, in its “digital curriculum” without granting it to third parties (possible choice later).

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FidelityHouse is a user-generated content platform based on FidelityHouse Token cryptocurrency and Ethereum blockchain technology