Ameobi’s face feeling like all of ours at full time (Photo: Tony Lewis,

Eddies Uninspired in Poor Home Opener

Drop 2–0 decision to Minnesota in lethargic display

FieldTurf of Dreams
FieldTurf of Dreams
4 min readApr 12, 2016


Heading into the match the Eddies were hoping to build on the strong defensive performance last week, with the chance to finally show what this team can come up with offensively.

Instead, the overall feeling of the match was that United dominated—with the Eddies seemingly pegged back—unable to foster many good chances of their own.

The statistics demonstrate this. United orchestrated an efficient game, producing a greater number of offensive chances despite having less possession; and attempting less passes, even completing slightly less of them when compared to FCE.

Ultimately, the game was decided on mistakes and a moment of brilliance. Minnesota — Ben Speas in particular — was clinical in finishing, with the second goal one that Mallan Roberts is likely not wanting to see again.

The frustration was apparent among the supporters, as miscommunication plagued the Eddies day resulting in giveaways or even the most simple of passes going wayward, in both halves of the field. The groans were audible and often in the new stand behind the South goal.

Visual frustration: Edmonton’s unsuccessful distribution on both sides of the half line. Of note: the number of failed short passes in their defensive end; and those in the offensive end that go out the touchline.

This came to a head with the first goal coming as a result of what was either a Diákité clearance error or just a bad pass to Zebie that was pounced upon and set up for Speas to cooly slide one past VanOekel.

Of great concern for the Eddies was a palpable lack of urgency after going behind, appearing to let Minnesota have possession, sitting back while United was content to keep the ball for as long as possible. That said, credit should be given to Minnesota in stifling FCE in transition, often forcing the Eddies back into their own half to try and find another angle through. Additionally, Minnesota’s historical susceptibility to the long ball just was not effectively tested as many passes simply did not find their targets.

If there is an encouraging sign for Eddies fans, it is in how the squad created their better chances. As seen in the comparative chart above, Edmonton’s problems with crossing before the Watson red card last week carried over into Sunday. Key passes in the final third, however, were coming through the middle, and we are seeing a bit less of a focus on the wing, though the vast majority of it is still there. It was a small sign but hopefully one that can be built upon for Saturday against Tampa Bay.

FC Edmonton, still pushed out to the wing, but depending less on crosses from deep.

Few players had a good shift out there for FCE, but some bright spots could be found. VanOekel repeated some of the heroic saves from the week before, but betrayed by defensive mistakes. Ameobi had the brunt of the more dangerous chances in front of goal, nearly scoring off a set piece and inches away from another. Keegan was especially energetic coming off the bench, found often in dangerous spots and demonstrating the speed that got him to those spots.

Overall, it was a day to forget for the Eddies. The team have still not answered the questions about where their offence will come from, and perhaps changes are afoot on this front. Given how the previous meeting between these two sides and last week’s result went, it felt at times that the Eddies maybe needed to go down a man for them to play better.

Some of the same signs that have troubled FCE in previous starts to the season are in the forefront again, in particular, players being on the wrong frequencies is concerning. It is hoped that the focus can be taken back over training this week. Tampa Bay awaits on Saturday.



FieldTurf of Dreams
FieldTurf of Dreams

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