Ex-Porsche manager and serial CTO, most recently TLGG, secure pre-seed funding for SaaS solution for complexity and transformation management

Sebastian Wohlrapp
Field 33
Published in
4 min readJun 14, 2021

Stuttgart/Berlin, 03.06.2021: Field 33, the Berlin and Stuttgart-based complexity and transformation management company in the cloud, today announced a seven-figure pre-seed funding round. Berlin-based early-stage fund Atlantic Labs and angel investor and long-time SAP executive Marcus Rübsam are joining Field 33, with TLGG’s Daniel Fiebig coming on board as co-founder and CTO.

Field 33 was founded in 2019 by Sebastian Wohlrapp with the goal of helping large companies connect and thus better manage the increasingly complex interactions of strategic goals and external influencing factors. In contrast to previous approaches based on combinations of specific consulting methods and broad data science, Field 33 delivers predefined profiles of domain knowledge that are selectively populated and connected with data at crucial points. Field 33 customers thus receive a holistic knowledge and data foundation that is iterated into an increasingly complete and accurate digital twin of the organization. This approach is used primarily in areas where interactions across system boundaries are important and change is therefore difficult. For example, Field 33 quantifies the effects of digital products on business goals and finds the right organizing principle for a business unit. For managers without a technical background and in real time, i.e. at the push of a button.

With the newly raised capital, the founding team, expanded by Daniel Fiebig, will push ahead with the expansion of their SaaS platform. The initial focus is on large companies as well as digital consulting and complex issues around digital transformation — with a focus on efficiency, risk and corresponding strategic goals.

“The investment will allow us to transfer the methodology and ontologies we have developed over the past year into a platform and offer it to large organizations as a SaaS solution,” says Sebastian Wohlrapp, founder of Field 33. The digital expert and company builder has supported brands such as Hugo Boss, dm drogerie-Markt and Victorinox in their entry into multi-channel retailing and was active in leading digitalization functions at Mercedes-Benz and Porsche. “The complexity of the digital economy is pushing people and organizations to their cognitive and economic limits. We need methods and technologies that enable a real leap in productivity also for established companies, and this is precisely where we come in with Field 33. Atlantic Labs and Marcus Ruebsam, with their B2B experience, are very valuable partners for us in this.”

Daniel Fiebig, experienced founder and CTO and on board as Co-Founder with immediate effect, adds: “The time is ripe for an ecosystem for which we are completely rethinking the way we deal with digitization and the complexity that comes with it. Field 33 therefore combines a managed ontology library for domain expertise with knowledge graphs for inference and ML models for visualization, simulation and predictions for decision support in a SaaS platform with no-code interface. This allows us to make the skills and experience available to an ever-growing community of users and researchers for data-driven management of enterprises and their innovation efforts. The usually limiting factors of time, cost and risk are thus drastically reduced and real competitive advantages are unlocked.” The founders provide a first glimpse into their engine room at field33.com/medium/.

“We were impressed from the start with the experience and expertise of the Field 33 founding team,” said Christophe Maire, founder and CEO of Atlantic Labs. “With its SaaS solution, Field 33 combines strategy and data in complexity and transformation management, delivering greater efficiency in strategy execution and thus real ROI.”

About Field 33

Field 33 was founded in 2019 by Sebastian Wohlrapp with the goal of helping large enterprises connect and better manage the increasingly complex interactions of strategic goals and external influencers. In contrast to previous approaches based on combinations of specific consulting methods and broad data science, Field 33 delivers predefined profiles of domain knowledge that are selectively populated and networked with data at critical points. Field 33 customers thus receive a holistic knowledge and data base that is iterated into an increasingly complete and accurate digital twin of the organization.


About Atlantic Labs

Atlantic Labs is a European pre-seed and seed investor based in Berlin. Atlantic Labs was founded by Christophe F. Maire, one of the most renowned angel investors in Berlin and founder of HERE.com in 2013 and has since invested in over 100 early-stage startups. The experienced investment team helps portfolio companies grow successfully and uses its international network to help find strong follow-on investors. Atlantic Labs takes a thesis-based investment approach focusing on areas such as Digital Health, Future of Work, Mobility, Industrial Automation, AI, FinTech and PropTech.

The Atlantic Labs portfolio includes some of the most successful tech startups such as SoundCloud, GetYourGuide, Omio, Zenjob, Wandelbots and Gorillas.


