The Yard Games: Games that bring Middle School Science to Life

Field Day Lab
Field Day Lab
Published in
2 min readMar 31, 2016
The Yard Games are free for everyone to play!

Let’s face it, some kids just don’t like science. We’ve all heard it… “I hate science.” “Science isn’t my subject!” Or “Science is SO boring!” But here at Field Day, we think this mindset can be changed. What is science anyway? It’s simply exploring the wonders and beauty of our world. There is magic to be discovered — so why is this topic sometimes boring?

Somewhere along the way, kids lose touch with the wonder of the world and they are overwhelmed by memorization, confusing categories, and big words. We believe that every kid has the capacity to fall in love with learning about their world.

Teachers work every day to help kids get back in touch with the explorer inside themselves. This year, seven teachers have poured their hearts into a project we’re nuts about. This project is called “The Yard Games.” With the Yard Games, we’re making captivating, tightly-focused activities for kids that break down the hardest scientific topics from the next-gen middle school science standards.

Want to see the passion these teachers brought to this project? Check them out:

Thanks so much to the Wisconsin Digital Learning Collaborative, The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and Wisconsin Institute for Discovery for support. Without you, none of this would be possible.

Field Day Team and Wisconsin Teacher Fellows who worked with us to design the first 9 Yard Games



Field Day Lab
Field Day Lab

Designing learning experiences that blur the lines between virtual and physical, formal and informal, play and work. Find us at