A Post-July 4th Lunch

July 6, 2014

Fieldhouse Kitchen
Fieldhouse Kitchen


I’M SURE BY now you’re recovering from your July 4th cookout feast. The grill is on the lawn, the fridge is stocked with leftover burgers wrapped in foil, and there are a few stray bottle caps from beers gone by that litter the countertops.

And after the fireworks, the parades and the endless waving of flags, keep the cookout going by using up those next-day barbecued eats.

If you’re anything like me, you love leftover grilled anything. And nothing is more fun to reinvent and make into a salad than grilled chicken.

So before you throw out that leftover corn on the cob and chicken, consider making this light and tangy southwestern-inspired grilled chicken salad.

You’ll need just a few ingredients to turn your grilled chicken into a perfect summertime salad.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 2 grilled chicken breasts
  • 1 cob of corn
  • Juice from half a lime
  • 2 tablespoons of mayo
  • 1-2 teaspoons of chopped fresh cilantro.

Combine all your ingredients into one bowl and stir.

That’s it! Now eat and enjoy.

Serve over arugula, in a wrap or on its own.

And as always, may the fourth be with you.

Cheers, Rebecca

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