Recipe for Enriched Immunity

Amy Rothenberg ND
FieldNotes From Natural Medicine
1 min readJun 30, 2020


Photo by lindsay Cotter on Unsplash

These days we are all looking for ways to support robust immune function. Here’s a super quick and affordable recipe for delicious, effective immunity.

One good bed

1 pint water, still or sparkling

½ gallon of sunshine

2 quarts of laughter

10 of fruits and veggies, chopped or minced

½ cup nuts, grated

Drizzle of olive oil

3 pounds exercise

2 teaspoons of conversation with those you love

4 level tablespoons of mindfulness meditation

In one round pan, mix the water with the sunshine. Fold the rolling laughter into the comforting conversation. Saute the exercise and gently place it on the good bed. Stir in the fruits and veggies and the olive oil, one at a time, until perfectly mixed. Sprinkle the grated nuts on top. Set the mindfulness timer for 10 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Enjoy with family and friends. Keeps well!!



Amy Rothenberg ND
FieldNotes From Natural Medicine

American Association of Naturopathic Physician’s 2017 Physician of the Year. Teacher, writer and advocate for healthy living.