You Finished Treatment, Now What? A Field Guide for Cancer Survivors Launch Day 9/27/22

Here’s a short video inviting you to my new book. Link below or click anywhere on the pix !

Amy Rothenberg ND
FieldNotes From Natural Medicine
2 min readSep 14, 2022


Dr. Rothenber Inviting You To Enjoy Her New Book

It’ is with much anticipation and joy that I invite you to read You Finished Treatment, Now What? A Field Guide for Cancer Survivors. This book has been a labor of love and devotion and has brought me 100s of people for conversation, Q&A, podcasts and more. Its a roadmap for lifestyle and natural medicine approaches to address health challenges that persist after cancer care, and to reduce the risk of recurrence.

I wrote it for survivors everywhere and those who care for them. I highlight the evidence for an integrative approach to healing that I have used in my 36 years practicing as a licensed naturopathic doctor. I am also cancer survivor/thriver , and wrote to make sense of an overwhelming topic in a user-friendly, accessible way, providing what I hope is both actionable information and inspiration.

You can find praise for the book here.

The book launches 9/27/22 and is available wherever books are sold: hardcover, soft cover, ebook and audiobook. If you order…



Amy Rothenberg ND
FieldNotes From Natural Medicine

American Association of Naturopathic Physician’s 2017 Physician of the Year. Teacher, writer and advocate for healthy living.