Fieldnotes from the Metaverse — Introduction

Dirk Songuer
Fieldnotes from the Metaverse
2 min readMar 7, 2022

Note: This page gets updated whenever new content is added to the series.

What is the Metaverse?” is an interesting question.

Some groups attach the term to specific technologies, for example Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Digital Twins or Blockchains.

Others talk about specific requirements, like persistence, interoperability, or massively multi-user or a modality like headsets.

Others see it as a future vision or narrative, sometimes dystopian, sometimes utopian.

And while some groups talk about the coming Metaverse, others argue that it already exists.

So, objectively the term is a contested future vision, claimed by many groups for their own purposes, driven by individual incentives.

To approach a better answer to what the Metaverse is (was, and can be), this publication wants to focus on the journey, look at the fieldnotes, and ask:

How did we get here? How did “The Metaverse” start? What shapes did it take already and how did it evolve over time? And why the sudden interest?

The goal is a holistic and inclusive view of the Metaverse space, separating visions, signals, trends, and hype.

Please feel free to send your feedback or thoughts to @dirksonguer.

Thank you!


Live streams & keynotes


Here are some topics I am currently thinking about including:

  • Winky Dink and You
  • Augmented Reality Games / ARGs
  • The Disappearing Computer by Walt Mossberg
  • The Matrix and Ready Player One
  • Minecraft, Roblox and Fortnite
  • The Duality of the Metaverse

What people are saying



Dirk Songuer
Fieldnotes from the Metaverse

Living in Berlin / Germany, loving technology, society, good food, well designed games and this world in general. Views are mine, k?