Paper-prototyping places

Recently we ran a workshop with students from the UX and Architecture courses at Ravensbourne University.

Robin Howie
Fieldwork Facility
2 min readFeb 18, 2020


Groups picked a place out of a hat and were challenged to reimagine that place within an hour using a crude paper prototype to show their thinking.

It was an absolutely high-octane bonkers hour that produced some really lovely thought starters… like a Telephone box repurposed for everyday emergencies. A Petrol Station that fuels electric cars (as well as drivers minds and body’s)… some interesting initial thoughts on how to rezone and keep a Public Library alive (yoga with audiobooks anyone?).

There was an interactive Park Bench with panpipes to help you appreciate a parks natural beauty (aided by the wind)… Another team reimagined the Newsagent’s shopfront as a digital community dashboard. A mental Pedestrian Bridge used gamification to keep users more active and finally a really lovely reinvention of the Bandstand that works as a sort of pop-up carnival-style sound system. Super fun, thanks for having us Ravensbourne.



Robin Howie
Fieldwork Facility

Creative Director and Founder of Fieldwork Facility. Fieldwork Facility is a design studio for uncharted territories.