An interview with an Englishman in Canada Geoff Pinkney

Published in
4 min readApr 26, 2017
above: Geoff Pinkney

This week we got in touch with Geoff to talk about his move from the UK and his passion for photography.

He is originally from North Yorkshire in the UK, and he moved to Canada with his wife in 2014.

He now lives with the Rockies on his doorstep, being able to hike, kayak and snowshoe. He’s also in a privileged position (we’re very jealous) where he can capture it all on his camera.

You can find him on twitter @geoffpinkney. I hope you enjoy our chat with him. All photos are his, and they are something special.

We initially wondered what the main reason for your move to Canada? we know it’s an idyllic place but if it was for more than the views?

The reason I moved to Canada was that I wanted a change of scene. I lived in York, working for a District Council after my education. After 5 years I decided to change things up. So I quit my job and decided to try my luck in Canada.

One of Geoff’s images which he also uses as a twitter cover photo.

Despite this photo looking amazing, I think it’s cheating the amount of amazing scenery that is outside Geoff’s door in Canada.

You mentioned you’re into photography is this just a passion or something that you’re actively involved in in any particular roles?

I got into the photography after I was given my first SLR camera. My wife’s cousin saw pictures of our mountain hikes which were taken on my camera phone. He decided to donate his camera to me. It is probably one of the most generous and best gifts I have ever received and kickstarted my passion.

Did you always know you wanted to be involved in content and brands such as these? or did you have any other passions you wanted to pursue?

At the moment I am still learning and developing as a photographer. I’m hoping that as my skills improve that so does my exposure to future collaborations.

I currently share some of my photos & stories with online Eco-travel website “Ecophiles”.

We’re always out grabbing coffees and absorbing the positive vibes that being around other people working hard can produce. Definitely found that over the course of the past year our love for coffee has grown massively.

“I can normally get through 2–3 coffees whilst sat in the same spot in a cafe, the baristas always look at me oddly as if wondering how much caffeine one man can ingest. When sat writing some of these articles or talking to potential interviewees a cafe is definitely my place of work. Definitely recommend changing coffee shops every so often to scare the baristas of your caffeine addiction too much though!” — Rob, Editor

We love to understand where people work and we’re always wondering where people are working most.

“When I’m not outside with the camera I’ll be found either at home or in the corner of a coffee shop.”- Geoff

You definitely couldn’t get these kinds of photos in the UK

Lastly what’s your number 1 bit of gear you couldn’t live without to get your work done?

The gear I couldn’t work without is my Nikon camera. It’s treasured equipment.

the 1000th edition cover with Geoff’s camera of choice

Geoff’s work has also been featured on a special edition cover on the Lonely Planet Traveller magazine. Something which must have felt amazing.

His work and travels have definitely made us think that we could potentially move out to Canada at some point.

(That’ll just have to remain a dream for now)

It’s amazing how we can easily get in contact with people like Geoff through the internet. Finding out about his story has definitely been something we’ve enjoyed.

If you want to get see more of Geoff’s photos then Instagram or his website is your best bet.


Geoff’s Website

If you’ve got the itch to live life as a permanent tourist we want to hear from you.

As usual you can get in touch via any social @FieldworkUK

If you want to get in touch here: FIELDWORK

Feel free to comment we’d love to hear your thoughts on Geoff’s adventures. If you’ve been to Canada and want to share any of your photos from your trip send them our way on social media and we’ll be sure to feature them on one of our channels.

