Articles you need to read: July 2017

Published in
3 min readJul 13, 2017

As an addition to the plethora of great interviews and articles we’ve been bringing you over the past month and with a view of what is to come. We’ve decided that as media crazed people we want to share what we’ve been reading and enjoying at the start of this month.

Rob recently took a trip to the Devon a week ago and had some down time by the pool, which he made sure to show everyone. The result was a number of articles that we deem are worthy to share with you all and hope will inspire you for the month of July.

Suggestion One

The first suggested read is this article by Tobias van Schneider who wrote about how the show Westworld integrated UI into the design of the show. The UI in the show was unique and clearly enhanced our enjoyment of the show. His interview with Chris Krieffer really brings to life what it was like to work on a show such as this.

Suggestion Two

This is actually a combination of two must reads. The first is the blog post that SoundCloud released about laying off a large number of employees, which highlights how tough running a company that needs to cut costs whilst also improving can be. The second article, which is linked to this was by Micah Peters who wrote about the consequences that losing a product like SoundCloud would have on the music industry. Particularly as the market is so dominated by services geared towards professional musicians and other platforms such as youtube not yet favouring indie musicians.

Suggestion Three

Our next must read was written by Imran Sarwar who details his departure from Lahore in Pakistan and this article resonates with us as he speaks of his movements as he has grown up and on his departure from the city now. It’s something that struck us as we leave University and think about where we want to be moving and whether or not that is home.

Suggestion Four

In this article, Steve Booker talks of his experience going offline. He captures the feel of taking a break from the internet with a set of beautiful photos from a trip to the Isle of Skye in Scotland. His photography couples the striking colours of the with the boat he was sailing in with the clear blues of the sea. This read is a little lighter than the others as it features more of a photoset vibe.

Suggestion Five

Lastly, we found this product review of Away Luggage particularly insightful. Often we see companies that are tech savvy putting emphasis into influencer marketing that when we read this article by Janna it helped us think about how carefully analysing a product and adding excellent photography can convey a review. We may follow suit and review products in a similar fashion.

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