
Published in
2 min readApr 8, 2017

Thanks for stumbling across FIELDWORK.

The aim of this project is to have a place where I can collect all the stories of people and place that I otherwise can’t find on the internet. I’m happy to consume this content but I feel like I can act as a distributor with the aim of helping others listen to these stories.

We live in a unique period of time where people can work anywhere and have the choice in how they live their lives.

Work anywhere. Plan anything. Dream.

Often millennials and those in my generation are consumed by fashion trends and the ways of making everyone they know jealous. The ‘like’ culture built by companies taking advantage of the addictive nature that much social media brings.

Over the coming weeks we’ll be sharing stories of people we find interesting, places that we want you to hear about and the parts of these that make them tick.

We want to showcase the gap between the millennial generation and the appreciation of the wider world around us as we all grow into it. News often reveals the advances that young people are making in contributing to a better future for our planet but the key is understanding the stories behind how they aren’t losing touch with what keeps them part of the same generation.

FIELDWORK will be a place where these stories are shared.



We’d love it if you could share this post of give us a follow here on Medium at FIELDWORK.

If you’d like to chat or get in touch pop up on Twitter and say hey @FieldworkUK.

