Being one with nature creates the best shots, a photo we love

Published in
3 min readMay 3, 2017

This is a new idea we had to focus on photographers in a quick and bite size format that people could read on the way to work or between meetings. It’ll incorporating an interview chat style element like our usual blog posts.

We recently connected with Jupp K through instagram upon stumbling across some of his amazing photos. We all fell in love with this one photo taken from below a waterfall.

Icelandic waterfall by Jupp K.

So in our usual fashion we wanted to ask Jupp some quick questions about this shot in particular.

We’d love to hear more about how you stumbled upon the shot? Was it a known stop or did you come across it by chance?

I didn’t know this spot before.

We visited Seljalandsfoss in Iceland and just hiked some meters left of the waterfall. There we discovered a signpost which showed us to a small canyon. We hiked through the canyon and a small river. The path ended at this cave with the waterfall.

We were alone at this spot. It was incredible, but wet.

Would you agree that half of photography is finding a spot to take a photo?

Yes, that is right.

My way to find nice spots is a lot of searching before (internet, books and so on). The best spots, however, you discover during a hike. Because you have a lot of time to watch your surroundings and find some great spots. Often you explore wonderful areas by accident. And when you’re one with nature, you can make take the best shots. Of course trying a number of perspectives and so on helps.

Overall it takes a good spot with great light conditions for the perfect shot.

The less serious photo, also taken by Jupp K.

If you’re interested in seeing some of Jupp’s other photos you can check out his website here.

And for up to date photos on all his travels his instagram handle is @juppkohlrabe

We’ve got some great interviews coming in the next few weeks be sure to follow us on all social to keep up to date.

What we’ve learnt from talking to Jupp:

1. Go to Iceland for pretty views

2. Always think about the lighting

3. Follow signs to areas you probably shouldn’t be going to for the killer shot

4. Do, however, take time to think about where you’re going to be going and plan some key spots to visit.

We recently featured @wojtac on our instagram.

Be sure to go and check out his interview that’s on there and give this sweet layout some love if you want to see more. We’re on instagram here.

Stay well.

Love from all the team @FieldworkUK

