11/20/2020 — Uncle Joe’s Calming Hand

Willie Witten
Fifth Grade Finance
1 min readNov 20, 2020
Who me?!?

I’ve waited nearly all day for a solid down move in the S&P’s, and maybe…just maybe this mini-dip at 2:45 might actually awaken a few sleeping bears. I’ve been head-faked two days in a row, and I’m itching to buy a few e-mini micro contracts before EoD and wake up with them trading 30 points higher on Monday morning.

Personally, I never understood the market’s excessive optimism over Joe Biden’s election win. Wall Street had long signaled that it was expecting that outcome, but I think the financial punters may have gotten a bit ahead of themselves. There have to be a few of us out there that haven’t forgotten about the looming Brexit mess that never seems to die, or the possibility that we’ll all wake up a week from today with a massive Thanksgiving hangover and a COVID aftertaste.

I wonder if I’ll wake up on the 27th cursing myself for selling these Dec 2 & Dec 4 3000 puts with the VIX only at 23. It was trading over 40 just a couple days before Uncle Joe’s big night, and other than that nothing has really changed except market sentiment…



Willie Witten
Fifth Grade Finance

Writer, thinker, trader, musician, builder and beer aficionado. Find me at williewitten.com, or onespinmusic.com