Climate tech startups: Funding the next wave

Fifth Wall
1 min readMay 17, 2023
A chart depicting investments announced since the IRA.

Big money

There is a lot of capital flowing into climate tech and Bloomberg has analyzed where $1.1 trillion is going in a new report. Of course, the Inflation Reduction Act was a huge catalyst for climate tech. The investments made since the IRA reveal what investors bet will be the biggest winners in the next wave of climate tech. Solar, wind, and electric vehicles were priorities in the last decade. Now, batteries, hydrogen energy, and carbon capture could take the lead in the next wave.

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Innovation beyond core climate tech

Investors are looking to fund niche tech that will address decarbonization problems in heavy industry, transportation and the built world that couldn’t be solved before. “Looking at the deal count, it’s easy to pick out the pattern of rising interest in climate tech startups that focus on green buildings, climate analytics, carbon capture, and more,” Bloomberg writes.

Bottom line

The takeaway for the real estate industry is that carbon is embedded into every aspect of the built world, and based on investments now, the next generation of climate tech is ready to fix that.

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Fifth Wall

Fifth Wall is the largest venture capital firm focused on technologies for the global real estate industry.