Much like guides, and those that give depth to a person’s life story as illustrated in the concept of Sonder, the actual environment has influence on a life path.
As I’ve learned from my research and study of behavioral science, only three factors impact a person’s behavior. Two being their DNA (can’t do much about that) and their history (again, not much ability to change that). What can be changed, or adjusted to drive new behavior, is the environment. The environment certainly includes the influence of guides, and to a lesser degree the influence of the background persons. It further includes the physical environment. Mostly subtle influencers drive our everyday actions. Generally, we aren’t really conscious of these things, unless we really take the time to focus on them. Others we purposely seek out to guide us and give us direction.
On my hikes over the past few days through Arches National Park, I readily made use of cairns. These small stacks of stones are often used as trail markers. In many desert or rocky locations, trails aren’t readily apparent and use of trail markers are a welcome relief to a hiker on an unfamiliar trail. I’ve been saved much time and searching for trails by seeking out and following cairns. Not only in the southwest, but also they have guided me to find otherwise hidden portages in the BWCA and Quetico.
I believe there are many forms of cairns in a person’s life journey. Subtle, or not so subtle indicators of the path to follow. Usually they are missed because a person only sees the physical environment with which they are familiar, and their actions (or specifically their behavior) is guided by the familiar. Being open to other sources of input or “cairns” has the potential to guide a person on an otherwise unfamiliar path. This path may lead to wonderful things which would otherwise go undiscovered on a blind walk through the wilderness.