Day 31-Litchville to Moorhead, MN

Mark Roys
Published in
2 min readJun 19, 2018

(Last pit stop rest in North Dakota)

Good bye North Dakota, Hello Minnesota!

Great day of riding and a new state!

Started slightly later so I could catch breakfast in town. Cool and overcast weather to start the day. And finally, as I thought I’d find here-mostly flat! Some small ups and downs but more down than up, so progress was good.

The sun came out around midday. Stopped at mile 60 for lunch in Kindred. After a short rest, finished the ride towards Fargo, then across the Red River into Minnesota.

As one might expect, a subtle entry, no fanfare or even a sign to welcome visitors to the state. These Minnesota folks are low key I guess.

Happy to have North Dakota behind me. Loved the kind people, the gracious host locations at their local parks, the smooth riding roads, but not the winds! I thought the prevailing winds were from the west, making a west to east ride advantageous, but they didn’t get the memo here!

Minor incident in that I lost my rear view mirror early in the ride today. Not sure exactly when, but it was not to be found. I have a backup arrangement, a small mirror that clips to my riding glasses, but it’s not as easy to work with. Prefer the handle bar end cap version. I’ll pass a couple of bike shops in the next few days, so I’ll see if I can find something better suited to the purpose.


Time: 6:13:11 hours

Distance: 84.4 miles

Average Speed: 13.56 mph, Max Speed: 31.33 mph



Mark Roys

Avid reader and learner, highly introspective and always seeking a new way to consider why. Advocate for removing life distractions to find one’s true self.