Day 32-Moorehead to Pelican Rapids, MN

Mark Roys
Published in
3 min readJun 20, 2018

Made it a leisurely ride today. Too tired from the last several days to go far. Purposely got a late start, taking time to enjoy coffee and continue reading Undaunted Courage, the story of Lewis & Clark on the Corps of Discovery Expedition. A fantastic read, and relevant to many of the places I saw along my route.

With a moderate pace, I made my way east. About half way through the ride, I finally departed from major roads with truck traffic. And it really turned nice! I found myself on smooth country roads, winding around beautiful lakes. Much more like the touring I hoped to find!

A quick morning break at the Skree Town Hall. Not open for business, but the lawn and shade were available for use!

Took time for lunch at the Cormorant Pub near Pelican Lake. As happens often, the staff and other patrons had lots of questions about my journey. Very courteous group, so I hung around and chatted since my final destination was close.

Completed the ride into Pelican Rapids and set up in Sherin Memorial Park. Again, free camping, this time right on the Pelican River.

Napped in the shade for the afternoon. Had a nice chat with the local police officer doing his rounds. He made some dining recommendations and alerted me about the injured Canadian goose who prefers to hang out right where I’m camped!

The park has a cool suspension bridge over the river, and, at the foot of the dam, the worlds largest pelican! Didn’t know I’d see that on this trip!

Feeling well rested from the short day and ready to take in more Minnesota sites tomorrow.


Time: 3:58:51 hours

Distance: 52.5 miles

Average Speed: 13.18 mph, Max Speed: 23.4 mph



Mark Roys

Avid reader and learner, highly introspective and always seeking a new way to consider why. Advocate for removing life distractions to find one’s true self.